It’s about Small Villages

There is a problem that you can help solve!
Small villages around the world are not easily accessed, take hours and days to travel to, each people group speak a different language and each culture is different. You may not ever physically leave the comfort of your home, your country, culture and language but you can still be a part of helping people in small villages around the world. By financially partnering with LAUNCH International, we are your boots on the ground, going to the forgotten, reaching the unreached with His powerful message of love, forgiveness, healing and provision. One goes, one sows and all of us pray for His kingdom to come and for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. You can join us today and be a part of humanitarian aid, evangelism, church planting and discipleship from the jungle of the Amazon to the small villages of Africa and the Middle East your partnership will help us to continue reaching people around the world.
In 2004 Josie was in Peru on a mission trip with her church youth group and during a time of worship her last night there she was on her knees before the Lord. He said “this is what I am calling you to do for the rest of your life”. She answered, I don’t know what that looks like, but ok! From that time Josie has followed the Lord around the world to small villages, the forgotten places where so many are unwilling to go. Her boots have been on the ground taking the message of the Gospel to the lost and hurting around the world. The word un-reached means “those who have not yet been able to be reached.” In late 2011 Josie was going to sleep one night and the Lord gave her a vision of giving everything she owned away and moving to Brazil. Josie responded to the Lord, “I don’t want to go to Brazil, there are missionaries and churches all over the country, I want to go where there is no Gospel work.” The Lord answered, “Good, because I am sending you to the Amazon to reach the indigenous tribes.” Josie responded, YES Lord, I will go” Josie moved to the Amazon of Brazil in March 2012. She followed the Lord from one small village to the next preaching the Gospel, sharing His love and healing power. From the Amazon jungle to small villages in Africa and now in the Middle East her heart’s passion is to go to the forgotten. Bringing humanitarian aid for those in need which opens the door to relationships, which opens the door to share His message, establish communities and make disciples. Join us today in prayer, financial partnership and even come and to the field and see first hand the lives of those you are helping us reach!
reaching small villages across the globe
Making a difference is easy
1. Provide Aid
We apply your donations to bring humanitarian aid to areas that need it most.
2. Create Community
With your support, we establish communities where people can feel safe
3. Empower People
Your gift empowers people to get educated and build a stronger future for their families.